GitHub - v2.0 - 2.3kb

What is this?

LESS-Mix - is a functional, powerful, convenient and easy at the same time (only 7.7 kb) library LESS-mixins. Despite its small size, the library has everything the necessary functionality. library is Cross-browser, so you can safely, quickly and effectively.

How to Install

  1. Download file "lessmix.less".
  2. Put it in the folder with your project.
  3. Include the library in your LESS-file at the beginning of the document, the command: @import "lessmix.less";

How to use

Size and Position

Mixins to work with the size of the element and its position

.size(@width, @height) A quick way to set the size of the element. @width - element width. @height - element height.
.square(@size) Specifies the size the square element. @size - the size of the element.
.center() Alignment block in the center.

Gradient Tools

Mixins for quick and easy creation of gradients of all types

#gradient>.vertical(@startColor, @stopColor) Vertical gradient. @startColor - color of the gradient origin, @stopColor - the color of the gradient stop. The colors are approved from the top down. The background color for browsers that do not supported gradients calculated automatically.
#gradient>.hotrizontal(@startColor, @stopColor) Horizontal gradient. @startColor - color of the gradient origin, @stopColor - the color of the gradient stop. The colors are approved from left to right. The background color for browsers that do not supported gradients calculated automatically.
#gradient>.directional(@startColor, @stopColor, @deg) Gradient with arbitrary slope. @startColor - color of the gradient origin, @stopColor - the color of the gradient stop, @deg - angle (default: 45deg). The background color for browsers that do not supported gradients calculated automatically.
#gradient>.radial(@innerColor, @outerColor) Radial gradient. @innerColor - the color inside, @outerColor - the exterior color of the gradient. The background color for browsers that do not supported gradients calculated automatically.

Border Radius Tools

Mixins to work with rounded corners.

.rounded(@radius) Set rounded corners. @radius - radius value.
.border-radius(@topLeft, @topRight, @bottomRight, @bottomLeft) Set rounded corners for each corner individually. Values are set in clockwise from the upper right corner. The default value - 0.

Shadow Tools

Mixins to create shadows and glows

.box-shadow(@shadow) Sets the shade. @shadow - line parameters, for example inset 0 1px 2px #666. To specify multiple values shadows, use the escape character ~, for example ~"inset 0 1px 2px #666", 2px 1px 2px #000".
.outer-shadow(@x, @y, @blur, @alpha) Adds to the block shade. @x and @y indentation axes, @blur - blur, @alpha - transparency of blur (default: 0 1px 2px 0.1).
.inner-shadow(@x, @y, @blur, @alpha) Adds an inner shadow. @x and @y indentation axes, @blur - blur, @alpha - force shadow (default: 0 1px 2px 0.4) .

Transition Tools

Mixins to work with animations and their options.

.transition(@transition) Sets animation parameters. To specify multiple values, use the escape character ~ as a property .box-shadow().
.transition-all(@duration, @delay) Sets the animation of all the properties. @duration - animation time in seconds (default: 0.2s), @delay - type of animation ( default: ease).
.transition-duration(@transition-duration) Sets animation time in seconds.
.transition-delay(@transition-delay) Sets the type of animation.

Transform Tools

Mixins to work with transformations.

.transform(@transform) Sets the value of the transformation. Accepts any value, but it is advisable to use the escape character ~, as in .box-shadow().
.rotate(@deg) Rotates the element indicating the number of degrees in the @deg.
.scale(@ratio) Increases the element of proportion.
.translate(@x; @y) Takes the element using the coordinates of @x and @y

More Tools

Mixins to work with other options that are not included in the previous categories but are needed to work.

.background-clip(@argument) Defines how the background color or background image should be displayed under the borders. (default: padding-box).
.box-sizing(@sizing) Used to change the algorithm for calculating the width and height of the element. (default: border-box)
.user-select(@select) Allows you to disable text selection. For example, the menu items. (default: none)
.opacity(@opacity) Adds transparency to the element. 0 - fully transparent, 1 - opaque. (default: 0.5)
.inline-block() Cross-browser analog display: inline-block;

Develop and Testing Tools

Mixins are intended for developers and debug. Includes options that are most commonly used pattern during development.

.hide() Hides the block. (display:none)
.hide-text() Allows you to hide all the text in the block.
.test-border() A quick way to block a black border of 1 pixel.
.reset-filter() Property allows you to disable the IE-filters.


The project created an enthusiast for all web designers, designed to simplify the work with the frequently used properties and make the code more readable and convenient.
The project LESS-Mix - is an open-source code,and is based on the draft of the dynamic stylistic markup language LESS from Alexis Sellier. You can join the development and improvement of project GitHub. I will be grateful for the positive feedback well as for criticizing.
Waiting for your feedbacks on the: [email protected]

Made with love in Ukraine...